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Bitshare Premium Cookies 100% Working Latest Update
javascript: var domain = '';var cookies = new Array();cookies['login'] = '876674%3B37c47363971';if (location.href.indexOf(domain)==-1) {var g = confirm('You will be redirected to '+domain+'. You will have to run this script again. Continue?\n\t\t\t\t ~~~> Script Re-Created by Rayzer [] <~~~ ');if (g) {location.href = 'http://' + domain;}} else {alert("\t You will be signed in now. Enjoy premium!\n\t ~~~> Script Re-Created By Rayzer <~~~ \t");for(var i in cookies){void(document.cookie = i+'='+cookies[i]+';domain=.'+domain+';path=/;');}location.href = 'http://'+domain;}
javascript: var domain = '';var cookies = new Array();cookies['login'] = '876674%3B37c47363971';if (location.href.indexOf(domain)==-1) {var g = confirm('You will be redirected to '+domain+'. You will have to run this script again. Continue?\n\t\t\t\t ~~~> Script Re-Created by Rayzer [] <~~~ ');if (g) {location.href = 'http://' + domain;}} else {alert("\t You will be signed in now. Enjoy premium!\n\t ~~~> Script Re-Created By Rayzer <~~~ \t");for(var i in cookies){void(document.cookie = i+'='+cookies[i]+';domain=.'+domain+';path=/;');}location.href = 'http://'+domain;}